[BDSM] [LUPUS PICTURES - LP036 - Immodesty sub].avi
Code: LP-036
Category: movie
Producer: Lupus Pictures
Length: 56 min
Introducing you to the setting of the headmaster’s study would subsist like bringing coal to Newcastle. You, our loyal audience, have seen numerous stories from the headmaster’s study at St. Thomas School. Not and nothing else were you attracted by the pedagogical methods of the head of this establishing and not only did you enjoy the spanking of guilty maid pupils, but you also enjoyed the catchy stories going within the walls of the capacity.
The headmaster experiences many good and bad wierd bdsm things there …
He was lordly to see naughty girls leaving his office, behaving like sheep, by their minds clear and correct. He swelled with pride when he heard their modest words begging for forgiveness and thanking him for their punishment.
And in c~tinuance the other hand, how superior and yet futile he felt by means of the scrutiny of the strict school inspector. How badly his self-slaughter attempt ended wife bdsm slave video. And, oh my God, how dreadful his mother’s visits can be!
In the new movie by Lupus Pictures, with the fitting honor “Nastiness”, we see our good man in his best mood. Everything is going readily and the headmaster keeps an eye on his pupils. He punishes the ~ and foremost girl for disturbing the She suffers fifty strokes of the cane, and her begging and lamenting don’t help her at all. Her punishment is severe, nevertheless well-deserved. Black and blue bottoms taught a lesson to many naughty girls.
The second girl is more difficult to handle. Her insult (which we won’t reveal now) must be judged by the School Council. Thus we understand many familiar faces again. Besides our headmaster we meet Dr. Freud and counselor Ehrlich. We in like manner meet some completely new characters – catechist Weber and PE teachers Tiersch and Henlein (however, if these names sounds familiar to you too, you’re appropriate).
As a result of this great meeting, two other girls get to to the headmaster’s office. The Council has found their mismanagement to be very serious for the whole society – what could perchance be worse than self-abuse?
They deserve severe punishment, and in a season both the girls lie naked and squirming, tied to the bdsm tube chastisement bench. They are aware of their wicked offence against morality and they be bound to expose their naked bodies to the severe beating given by their headmaster. Their eyes expand with tears as the rod lashes their bottoms and weals bdsm videos and bruises dislocate to appear.
Nevertheless, both the girls know they deserve it.
We’re not going to tell you more. All we’ll say is that, as a moment of his experiences, the headmaster has visionary abilities. You don’t see through? Well, then go and see the new movie from the headmaster’s study and tot~y will be clear.
There are three beautiful girls, three canings, some hand caning, nudity, humiliation and DVD contains bonus materials: interview by all three actresses, trailers of Lupus Pictures movies and special hanging platform. Do not miss this movie!
File size: 651.4 MB